Jem and the Holograms was an animated TV show that blasted into pop culture in 1985. Part MTV music videos and part super-hero secret identity plot, the show revolved around record executive Jerrica Benton, who could transform into show-stopping pop star Jem. The cartoon supported a glitzy, rock-and-roll toy line aimed chiefly at young girls.
The show's designs and costumed dolls stole a significant share from Mattel's long-running Barbie toy line, even spawning competitor product line, Barbie and the Rockers. Though Jem would be short-lived, the toy line captured some of the '80s zeitgeist with in-episode music videos, pop-glam styling, and music industry glitz.
When Super 7 revealed their plans for 3.75" collectible action figures based on the original cartoon and toys, I was thrilled to design the packaging. My aim was to stay true to the punk-glam and big hair spirit of the original toy line, while slightly updating it for modern Gen-X audiences and collectors. I wanted to ensure that the new packaging would visually feel part of the same extended family as the original toys, tapping into a sense of shared nostalgia for Jem and the Holograms. Acid-bright colors, glamourous gradients, and printing on holographic foil card stock added up to a final product that is truly outrageous.